Essential Hand Conditioning for Boxers

I’ve been to lots of Boxing Gyms and they all have one thing in common. There is no joint and Knuckle conditioning for the participants.

The participants have their hand heavily wrapped and heavily padded before they could hit the heavy bag. İf they ever get into a real fight, this spells for bad news.

Hitting something heavy without conditioning your wrists makes it snap and there is less force transfer with higher risk of injury.

Additionally, hitting something without conditioning your knuckles (especially your first two, index and middle knuckles) could break your knuckles and lessen your power on making contact, because if your first two knuckles aren’t protruding and thicker than your ring and pinky finger knuckles, you are less likely to land with them and more likely to land with all your four knuckles instead. Not only are your ring and pinky finger knuckles weaker, but striking and landing with all of your knuckles weakens your punch force because instead of creating a concentrated force in a smaller area of landing, they spread the force between your entire fist making your punch weaker overall. Even worse, if you accidentally land your punch on something very hard with all of your knuckles, like your opponents skull, you’re more likely to injury to your weaker pair of knuckles.

To address these issues I recommend 2 conditioning exercises. One for your wrist and one for your index and middle finger knuckles.

Wrist Conditioning: Do explosive push ups but instead of landing on your palm, when you explode out, land on the back of your hand. When you land on the back of your hand you want to land with your hands horizontally, as opposed to vertically as is the case in regular push ups. Your fingers should point to eachother like this: 🫱🫲. Once you have reached this position explode back up and flip your hands into the regular push position. Repeat this exercise for desired Sets and Reps.

Knuckle Conditioning: For total beginners, purchase a yoga or BJJ mat and kneel on it. İdeally the surface below the mat should be wood or concrete so there isn’t more padding besides the mat you placed. Lean forward and balance on one hand, then punch downwards on the mat with the other hand and hold this for 5 to 10 seconds. This signals for your body to send calcium to the point of impact more clearly. Pay special attention to landing with your first to knuckles. As you progress, hit harder surfaces. When your first to knuckles protrude and your wrist is conditioned, you can punch the heavy bag with no wraps and gloves at a reasonable speed, so that you condition your index and pinky finger knuckles as a consequence of focusing on your İndex and Middle finger knuckles, when you make a bad landing. İf you feel too much strain on your wrist, lessen your speed or buy a weightlifting wrist wrap which doesn’t cover your knuckles but offers you more wrist stability.

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