Tag: kickboxing
Essential Hand Conditioning for Boxers
I’ve been to lots of Boxing Gyms and they all have one thing in common. There is no joint and Knuckle conditioning for the participants. The participants have their hand heavily wrapped and heavily padded before they could hit the heavy bag. İf they ever get into a real fight, this spells for bad news.… Read more
Enhance Sparring Performance through Mental Visualization
People have issues with nervousness in fights, confusion about what to train for self defense and other issues. Visualization is a tool which can help with these issues. You can close your eyes for a minute or two visualize yourself being attacked and beaten, to overcome your fear of this. You can visualize defending yourself… Read more
Unlock Your Potential: Martial Arts for Fitness with The LiftingMantis Workout Program
The LiftingMantis workout program is simple. Strength training, Cardio, and Skill Work is done twice a week for a 6 day program. The Format is: The reason you start the week with strength is because you are probably more nourished from the weekend and it’s a good time to build muscle then. The cardio workout… Read more