Tag: martial arts

  • Essential Strength Training for Kenjutsu Practitioners

    When you’re strength training for Japanese Swordsmanship it’s important that your upper body muscles aren’t too tight as your cuts won’t be as effective. You also need leg and core strength to improve your performance. The time it takes to learn Kenjutsu is also consuming so here’s a workout you can do quickly to improve… Read more

  • Ultimate Guide to Shadowboxing Workouts

    Building a shadowboxing workout routine can be difficult for people who want to get fit with boxing but don’t know where to start. Generally speaking you should be working the following: You can work these in separate days, combine them on days or complete a round each in a single shadowboxing workout, totaling 8 rounds.… Read more

  • Balancing High and Low Intensity Workouts

    As we get older our joints and muscles take longer to recover and staying fit while avoiding injury becomes priority. However, this doesn’t mean we should stop practicing our sport and Martial Art. Given that there are many activities to choose from and they are all useful, while we may get bored of a particular… Read more

  • Unlock Your Potential: Martial Arts for Fitness with The LiftingMantis Workout Program

    The LiftingMantis workout program is simple. Strength training, Cardio, and Skill Work is done twice a week for a 6 day program. The Format is: The reason you start the week with strength is because you are probably more nourished from the weekend and it’s a good time to build muscle then. The cardio workout… Read more