Ultimate Guide to Shadowboxing Workouts

Building a shadowboxing workout routine can be difficult for people who want to get fit with boxing but don’t know where to start. Generally speaking you should be working the following:

  1. New and Complex Techniques
  2. Combinations
  3. Power Punches
  4. Conditioning
  5. Speed
  6. Footwork
  7. Defense & Counter Punching
  8. Stamina

You can work these in separate days, combine them on days or complete a round each in a single shadowboxing workout, totaling 8 rounds.

In general, 8 rounds is usually a sweet spot for a quick shadowboxing workouts and you can do these with 3 or 2 minutes work and 1 minute rest, which would take between 21 or 32 minutes.

New and Complex Techniques

New techniques could be anything from learning how to jab for beginners to learning slips or ring work. Once you become proficient at your chosen set of techniques, you can move on to new techniques or practice more complex techniques with combinations such as jab, slip while stepping forward, hooking and stepping back. It could also include combinations with jabs, hooks and rips to the body.


You can do combinations in a pyramid method, so one punch as jab, two for jab and uppercut, three for jab, jab and cross etc. To increase the intensity you can perform larger combinations, but generally speaking using combinations of 3 punches strikes a balance for improvement and maintenance.

Power Punches

Power punches involve you using single or combination punches with full power.


Conditioning could involve leg exercises, chest exercises and ab exercises for a number of reps and sets or time in a circuit fashion within the round, or separated to different rounds if you are dedicating a whole or portion of your workout session. You can also perform punches using wrist weights, weighted gloves or egg weights. A good workout for this could also be 45 seconds on and 15 seconds rest for 20 to 30 rounds, alternating sides so you are able to fight in orthodox and southpaw stances.


Speed work involves you using single or combination punches with full speed. Try to keep your arms relaxed until the moment of contact with an imaginary target at an appropriate range.


Work on moving forward and backwards, in and out, diagonal steps, rotations and slip and steps etc.

Defense & Counter Punching

These would be combination drills involving blocks, slips, rolls, ducks and pull backs.


You can perform a cardio based body weight circuit on this section, such as jumping jacks and high knees, or incorporate road work and skipping.

Keeping Things Fresh!

Some YouTube channels I would recommend following to learn new techniques and concepts and keep things fresh are below (Feel free to comment and add to the list):

  • Tony Jeffries
  • Alex Frolov (Russian School of Boxing)
  • Sergei Raab (Raab Boxing Academy)

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