Unlock Your Potential: Martial Arts for Fitness with The LiftingMantis Workout Program

The LiftingMantis workout program is simple.

Strength training, Cardio, and Skill Work is done twice a week for a 6 day program.

The Format is:

  1. Monday: Strength
  2. Tuesday: Cardio
  3. Wednesday: Skills
  4. Thursday: Strength
  5. Friday: Cardio
  6. Saturday: Skill
  7. Sunday: Rest

The reason you start the week with strength is because you are probably more nourished from the weekend and it’s a good time to build muscle then. The cardio workout is the day after because if gives your cardiovascular system a catch up for the new muscles your gaining. The skill day is what makes this program distinct and we will go into that later.


The Strength workout for the LiftingMantis program is a full body workout comprised of compound exercises. The general guide is that you lift a reasonable weight (Not Heavy) twice a week. You can incrementally add weights by 2.5kg or 5kg each workout depending on recovery. You should stop increasing the weight when your performance for the Cardio and Skill workouts suffer. The purpose of the Strength workout is to increase your athletic performance, not to obtain the most amount of muscle your body can build. The reason the program doesn’t encourage lifting heavy weights at low set and rep ranges is because this risks you getting injured. There is no reason why you should lift heavy according to your ability and risk getting injured, when you can lower the weight and do more reps and sets to achieve the same amount of muscle growth.

  1. Barbell Squat 3 x 10
  2. Machine Row or Bodyweight Row or Dumbbell Row 3 x 10
  3. Barbell Deadlift 3 x 10
  4. Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 x 10
  5. Lat Pulldown or Pull Up 3 x 10
  6. Dumbbell Lunges or Split Squats 3 x 10 for each leg
  7. Dumbbell Bench Press 3 x 10

*Adjust sets and reps according to your performance in the cardio workout


The cardio workout is a essentially a measuring tool for the effectiveness of the Strength workout. The aim of the cardio workout is to increase functional athleticism for self defense and daily life. In our view, many so called functional exercises are unnecessary. There is no point advising people to use the elliptical machine for cardio when they can achieve the same or even better result with shadowboxing or heavy bag work. Walking is the most functional exercise and jogging & sprints is just a more intense version. Shadowboxing & heavy bag work is in our opinion the second most functional form of cardio. Any form of cardio you choose will strengthen your muscles, bones, joints and ligaments according to the demands of the cardio you do. For example, jogging will strength your legs, glutes, hip and core. Shadowboxing and heavy bag work will strengthen your entire body. The aim of these cardio workouts is to judge if your strength workout gives you the best muscle distribution for defending yourself or running. If your punches are slow, you may be doing too much back work and not enough chest work. If you have serious fatigue in your leg muscles after a jog, your upper body may be too heavy for your legs so you can then fix this by doing more leg work or cutting back on upper body strength work. Many workouts will make you ineffective in fighting or running which is really bad. Only when you end up in a fight or flight situation do you realize your body is incapable to do either which is want we want you to avoid.

30 minutes of jogging or shadowboxing / heavy bag work (with or without hand weights).

For the jogging you can jog non stop at moderate pace, or incorporate sprints according to your ability. If you decide to sprint you can use a interval range of 10 – 30 seconds sprint / 30 – 50 seconds moderate pace jog.

For the shadowboxing / heavy bag work you can use the formats below. The order is from high intensity to lower intensity:

  1. 3 minutes on / 30 seconds off x 9 (31 minutes 30 seconds)
  2. 3 minutes on / 1 minute off x 8 (32 minutes)
  3. 2 minutes on / 1 minute off x 10 (30 minutes)
  4. 45 seconds on / 15 seconds off x 30 (30 minutes)
  5. 30 seconds on / 30 seconds off x 30 (30 minutes)


Many workout program will tell you to have a mobility day or an active rest day. This is largely a waste of time because the best way for your body to recover in rest, is with rest. Adding more days of activity can unnecessarily increase stress. This time would be better spent focusing on preparing nutritious meals, getting your chores done etc. So if we were to advise you to have an active rest day, we have to make it worth your while. This is why the LiftingMantis program encourages you to improve your self defense skills on this day. The key is to work on your technique for individual moves. This lessens the physical intensity but gives you the opportunity to put in more focus into the technique of the workout, so that it becomes second nature and you no longer have to think about your technique as you execute it. Nobody is a master of all martial arts, but we can all pick up the basics. If you have never learnt how to throw a punch, we wouldn’t advise you to do shadowboxing for cardio as you won’t be able to execute your punch correctly and this will continue as a habit. If this is the case, for your to learn how to punch correctly, you will also have to unlearn how to punch incorrectly. This will take twice the time and effort so the day were your working on Skills is an opportunity to learn this without tiring yourself physically. Below we have listed the best Skills to focus on in order of importance. Due to the skill work being low intensity you are able to do these workouts for a long duration without it affecting your body. However, this may be hard to schedule so we have provided a wide range to account for your fatigue, time limitations, motivation levels and other life events that may intervene:

Striking Skills: Punches, Kicks and Non-Telegraphic Strikes

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Drills: Submissions, Take-downs

Knife drills: Single Knife Drills, Dual Knife Drills

Kenjutsu: Suburi, Kata, 8 Strikes, Blocks

Bo Stick Training

Nunchuks Training: Single & Double Nunchuks

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