As we get older our joints and muscles take longer to recover and staying fit while avoiding injury becomes priority. However, this doesn’t mean we should stop practicing our sport and Martial Art. Given that there are many activities to choose from and they are all useful, while we may get bored of a particular activity cross-training can help keep us fit while lessening the risk of injury as we are doing a variety of activities. For somebody who regularly lifts weights, a 30 minute jog could feel more intense and take longer for their muscles and joints to recover from. İt could also be a breath of fresh air because they have reached a plateau in their strength workouts and the strength workouts they do now contribute little to their fitness. Or they may have bulked up too much for their joints to handle at their older age and want to workout without getting bigger. Due to this, sometimes its best to split your workout routine based on intensity, rather than muscle groups or cardiovascular health.
A weekly routine can involve 3-4 days of high intensity and 4-5 days of low intensity activities or complete rest if their schedule is tight.
A weekly routine could look like this:
Monday: High İntensity Workout
Tuesday: Low İntensity Workout/Training
Wednesday: High İntensity Workout
Thursday: Low İntensity Workout/Training
Friday: High İntensity Workout
Saturday: Low İntensity Workout/Training
Sunday: Low İntensity Workout/Training
You can run the above program weekly or squeeze an extra High İntensity session on the second week as below:
Week 1
Monday: High İntensity Workout
Tuesday: Low İntensity Workout/Training
Wednesday: High İntensity Workout
Thursday: Low İntensity Workout/Training
Friday: High İntensity Workout
Saturday: Low İntensity Workout/Training
Sunday: High İntensity Workout
Week 2
Monday: Low İntensity Workout/Training
Tuesday: High İntensity Workout
Wednesday: Low İntensity Workout/Training
Thursday: High İntensity Workout
Friday: Low İntensity Workout/Training
Saturday: High İntensity Workout
Sunday: Low İntensity Workout/Training
The High İntensity workouts could involve Strength or Cardiovascular Workouts such as Calisthenics, Weightlifting, Jogging, Boxing, Kickboxing etc. The Low İntensity Workouts / Training could be days to practice Martial Arts skills, go for a walk, do home chores, do yoga or get complete rest depending on your schedule, motivation, Time constraints etc.
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